U-Turn Round – Parc Slip
Parc Slip is seen as a place where visitors can discover the cultural, industrial and environmental heritage of the valleys. And we hope our weather-resistant, environmentally friendly U-Turn installed here offers a fitting tribute by further investing visitors in the story of the 1892 tragedy.
Previously an open-cast coal mine, Parc Slip Nature Reserve is now a luscious plain of grassland, woodland and wetlands, spanning 300 acres. The Visitor Centre houses a coffee shop and a discovery room for visiting schools. Visitors can pay £2 to participate in local events hosted here. And the whole area is home a range of rare and protected species, including the endangered great crested newt, and the grass snake which are the largest of their species in Britain.
It may have undergone a radical transformation but its history hasn’t been forgotten, and a stone memorial fountain rests there in memory of the 112 lives tragically lost in 1892 due to a horrific mining explosion. Each stone that makes up the fountain is a life lost.
While the fountain once flowed with water, technical issues and health concerns meant this feature had to be disabled permanently. But a range of enhancements to the surrounding area have been made including a Wildflower meadow area, a recovered dram, an information panel and a bench with special carving and memorial statue.
Right in-between the bench and the original memorial fountain is our contribution; An audio U-Turn round that allows visitors to listen to the events of the fateful day by selecting a number and cranking the handle to generate its power. We see this addition as one that adds a more personal touch, inviting visitors to engage with the story both by powering the device and actively listening to the installed audio. This also builds investment by helping to close the perceived distance from history.
Parc Slip is therefore seen as a place where visitors can discover the cultural, industrial and environmental heritage of the valleys. And we hope our weather-resistant, environmentally friendly U-Turn installed here offers a fitting tribute.